icono titulo Energy Savings Certificates

What are CAEs?

CAEs, that stands for Energy Savings Certificates in Spanish, certify the final energy savings achieved by energy efficiency projects, offering a new opportunity to monetize those savings and receive financial incentives.

This innovative mechanism, coordinated by the Ministry and the C.C.A.A is a fundamental lever to achieve the energy savings objectives of the European Union in the period 2021-2030, complementing the National Energy Efficiency Fund.

Any measure  implemented by companies, public entities, and individuals  that generates energy savings can benefit from the CAE mechanism by monetizing the generated savings.

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Energy Savings Certificate (CAE)

1CAE = 1kWh

How do they work?

  • It applies to any project launched after January 24, 2023, which produces final energy savings.

  • Certificates are issued once, being equivalent to  one year of energy savings.

  • They expire three years from the project launch or on January 1, 2031.

Energy Efficiency Projects
icono hoja enchufe
Energy Savings
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Invests in energy projects and generates savings


Buys savings and generates Energy Savings Certificates (CAEs)


CAEs from Delegated Party to meet their savings obligations.

sello caes

Obligated parties: electricity/gas retailers and distributors of petroleum products, with daily savings and contribution obligations to the National Energy Efficiency Fund (FNEE).

What projects are eligible to generate CAEs?

There are two categories of projects capable of generating CAEs,
with Edison Next assessing and managing both of them..

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  • Defined in a catalogue published by the Ministry, updated regularly.
  • Pre-defined requirements and limits of applicability.
  • Calculation of energy savings based on a predefined formula, may be conservative.
  • Streamlined bureaucratic procedure.

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  • All other projects not included in the official catalogue.
  • Energy savings to be justified through baseline modeling and calculation protocols, more similar to real ones.
  • Complex bureaucratic procedure, requiring specialized technical skills.




Edison Next: A Delegated Party with a Wealth of Experience

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Operating in Italy and France as a Delegated and Obligated party since 2005.

Over 1000 projects managed annually.

Nationwide presence in Spain with a dedicated team of over 800 employees.

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Technical knowledge to manage CAEs across different technologies and energy vectors.

Capability to execute both standardized and singular projects.


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