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Edison Next lucha por el futuro del transporte sostenible

El biometano, un gas renovable obtenido a partir de residuos orgánicos, está ganando cada vez más protagonismo como una solución clave para descarbonizar el sector del transporte. Con su capacidad para sustituir al gas natural fósil sin necesidad de realizar...


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    Company Name: EDISON NEXT SPAIN, S.L.U.
    Purpose: To respond to your queries and requests.
    Legitimacy: Consent expressed by the sender when sending the data via the form provided for this sole purpose.
    Rights: You may at any time exercise your right to access, rectification, deletion and portability of the personal data processed by Edison Next, as well as to oppose and limit such processing, by sending a signed request with proof of identity to
    Additional information: You can read more detailed information and other additional information in our privacy policy: